Scottish Relays - No.839.Inverawe Country ParkSun 28 May, 2023
Regional level event
Explanation of Event levels
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Activities are non competitive events used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.
Location Info
Near: Taynuilt Lat,Lng: 56.43599 ,-5.21194 OS Grid Ref: NN024321Postcode: PA35 1HU
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Pre Event Info
Final details updated Monday 22nd May 2023 6:30am
Distance and climb added for Course E.
Availability of food from shop in car park to be confirmed.
Directions / Parking
Near: Taynuilt
Lat,Lng: 56.43796,-5.20729
OS Grid Ref: NN024321
Postcode: PA35 1HU
Open an interactive map in:
GoogleMap - Streetmap (OS 50k)
OpenStreetMap - BingMap (OS 50k)
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
Map / Terrain
Maps for Courses A, B, C, D, E and Light Green are printed at 1:10,000. Orange and Yellow printed at 1:5,000.
An area of many terrain types which is bordered by plantation forestry to the east.
An intricate path network in the south around the ponds and through the surrounding broadleaved woodland. To the north the land rises steeply over a broadleaved-covered hillside which opens onto contoured, tussocky moorland where it is easy to make parallel mistakes. Clumps of gorse bushes reduce visibility at times.
Registration and Start times
Final details are now available below.
Course Information
As per Scottish Orienteering's Rules and Guidelines.
Entry Details
Entries are now closed.
Dog restrictions
Scottish Relay Champs 2023 Final Details 22nd May TOB 630am
Scottish Relay Championships Rules and Guidelines 2022 06 draft 2
Our thanks to Patrick Campbell-Preston (the owner) for granting access.