
STAG Spring 2022 Series

Last edited: Sat 7 May 2022

6 Events. The joint STAG/FVO Event (Spring 3) will have start times from 5:30pm > 7pm. Every Second Wednesday from 27th April 2022.

Course information

Yellow1 to 3 kmA good course for beginners, mostly on paths. A good first course for anyone to try, and great for families to go around together.
Orange3 to 6 kmA course offering basic route choice options, and requiring simple compass skills. The usual starting course for adult beginners.
Light Green3.5 to 4.5 kmA "medium" length course. The technical challenge can be high, and for example use contours and point features such as boulders.
Green5 to 7 km

Similar to light green, but as hard and long as is sensible.

Entry Details

£5 Senior Members (All O Clubs) - £1 surcharge for Non-Members. STAG Juniors and STAG Students no fee. Other Juniors and Students £3.

Registration and start times

Registration online via Google form.

Entry on evening may be possible but not guaranteed.

Starts from 6:15pm > 7pm except Spring 3 on 11th May.

Map Details

Map shall have been checked and updated before each event.

Events in this series